Horse betting online is a great way to find betting lines on horses. Navigating through online horse betting websites can be difficult. Especially if you are an American player. Good thing, the world is morphing into a more online, electronic interface. Making online horse betting easier to navigate.
Where to bet on the Kentucky Derby. Betting on the KY Derby has never been easier. More than half the states in the US have legal, online pari-mutuel horse wagering options available. One absolute when selecting your Kentucky Derby wagering provider is to make sure it operates on a pari-mutuel construct, like TVG. If it does not, it won’t be linked to the massive money pool that makes betting on the Kentucky Derby. Churchill Downs, Louisville. 2021 Kentucky Derby Odds Horse Racing. 2 hours ago After a year of an entirely new setting for the Triple Crown Series, the Kentucky Derby is back on its regular schedule. There’s a lot of anticipation with the upcoming race this following weeks.
Betting Online on Horse Races
Horse betting online took rise in the 1980s. Before that horse gambling had to take place on the tracks. As the internet developed, so did online betting horses. Now, almost all major race tracks have their betting platform. Allowing bettors to place live bets from anywhere in the world.
Welcome Bonuses
Because of the variety of betting websites. Serious racebooks will use incentives to catch your attention. These sites won't hesitate to match your first deposit by 50 or 100%. Encouraging you to place better or more bets.
Advantages of betting online
Betting online is a convenient way to bet on horse racing. It can be done anywhere, and at any time. If you schedule doesn't allow you to make a trip to the track, online is perfect.
- Betting online can earn you bonuses and rewards not offered at the race track.
- It gives you the freedom to be more selective on what you bet on.
- It allows you to analyze past performances to select the winner.
What are the best online horse betting sites?
Kentucky Derby Betting 2020
Finding the best horse racing gambling site is a personal choice. Everyone has a different incentives that attract them. Every betting website will offer different bonuses and rewards.
Make sure you bet on the Kentucky Derby. That's because betting on the Kentucky Derby is a great way to get a good return on investment
Here, are the best online horse racing betting sites, based on research:
Early Kentucky Derby Betting
So how do you place bets online?
- Sign up, or log into your favorite site
- Select the race you wish to bet on
- Place your bet. This is where you can choose to do a single wager or an exotic wager
- Pick how much you want to bet
- You'll get a confirmation
- Watch the race.
Is horse race betting Legal in the US?
The the instatement of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006. It stopped Poker, Casinos and Sportsbooks from accepting US wagers. However, Horse racing betting sites got a carve-out.
They did this by only allowing pari-mutuel pools. This loophole allows any state to place an online horse racing bets
Is US horse betting legal online in my state?
38 states allow bidders to place online bets for horse races. They are:
Kentucky Derby Betting Game
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Louisana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New Jersey
- Minnesota
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Online horse racing betting is a great way to get your bet out there. Allowing even a bettor with a business schedule to place a bet. Doing your research to the find the right website for you. Will help you get the most rewarding experience. Allowing you to thoroughly enjoy betting horse racing as a rewarding past time.
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Great fun for your Derby Party
Bring the fun of the track to your backyard with Backyard Bookie
| No Kentucky Derby party is complete without some sort of 'gambling' on the event. There is much that you can do without employing the services of a bookie, illegal in most states, and still capture the fun of betting on the horses. These ideas below have been used for years at Derby parties across the country, and, in many states, as long as no one makes a profit off of the wagering, they're not considered illegal gambling! - Put all of the names of the horses in a hat and mix them up. Everyone pays a designated amount, say $1, to pull a name out of the hat. When the race is complete, the person that has the winning horse collects the pot. Or, offer a percentage of the pot for the first place horse, a smaller percentage to the second place horse, and an even smaller percentage to the third place horse.
- Create a sheet of paper or a poster board with a large block for each horse in the race. Have everyone at the party pay a designated amount to write their name in their favorite horse's box. They can do this for one or more horses and they can also enter their name under a horse more than once. More than one person is allowed to put their name under the same horse.
At the end of the race, take all of the money divided by the number of bets on the winning horse and distribute that percentage of the pot to each person who chose the winning horse.
- Run your own betting window with a home pari-mutuel betting software program. With one of these programs, you can take win, place, show, exactas, and other exotic bets just like they are taken at the track. The software calculates the odds based on the bets placed at your party -- so you don't run the risk of losing money. With some products, you can set the software up to hold back a percentage for your favorite charity.
One of the highest rated software products in this category is Backyard Bookie. You can purchase it for your party for as little as $19.95. Click here for more info.
- Run a horse 'auction'. Create a grid on a large piece of poster board with four columns as shown below. Label column 1 'Horse Name' and place each horse's name down the column, one in each row of the grid. Label column 2 as Win, column 3 as Place, and column 4 as Show.
Start off the bidding for the 'show' (or third place) position with the first horse. Run the bidding just like an auctioneer would -- you know, 'Going once, going twice' and all that jazz. The highest bidder for the first horse has his or her name placed in the Show column on the first row, along with the amount bid (use whole dollars only). Collect the money from the highest bidder and then repeat the process for each horse down the column for the 'show' position. Once every horse in the show position has been bid on, total up the 'show' column. Repeat the above paragraph for the 'place' (or second place) position. Then repeat for the 'win' (or first place) position. After the race is run, the person who bought the horse in the 'win' column that actually wins the race wins the total amount bet in the 'win' column. The person who bought the horse in the 'place' column that actually came in second wins the total amount bet in the 'place' column. And, likewise, the person who bought the horse in the 'show' column that actually came in third wins the total amount in the show column. See the sample of the completed betting grid below:
Horse | Win | Place | Show | 1. Supah Blitz | George - $3 | Fred - $4 | Jill - $4 | 2. Brancusi | Dan - $5 | George - $8 | Bill - $10 | 3. Sir Cherokee | Barbara - $30 | Jeff - $20 | John - $25 | 4. Atswhatimtalkin | Patty - $20 | Perry - $18 | Perry - $20 | 5. Peace Rules | Dan - $45 | Mike - $30 | Joe - $25 | 6. Funny Cide | John - $30 | Mary - $15 | Jill - $12 | 7. Offlee Wild | Mike - $4 | Fred - $5 | Joe - $6 | 8. Buddy Gil | Tony - $50 | Tony - $40 | Tony - $40 | 9. Indian Express | Jeff - $38 | Lori - $20 | Amy - $18 | 10. Lone Star Sky | Mary - $5 | Lori - $5 | Kathryn - $5 | 11. Domestic Dispute | Jane - $2 | Patty - $3 | Bill - $4 | 12. Empire Maker | Fred - $80 | Mary - $65 | Fred - $40 | 13. Eye of the Tiger | Bill - $15 | Joe - $12 | Ed - $8 | 14. Ten Cents | Joe - $55 | Nick - $40 | Mel - $25 | 15. Outta Here | Kathryn - $6 | Susan - $5 | Susan - $4 | 16. Ten Most Wanted | Lori - $42 | Lori - $35 | George - $20 | 17. Scrimshaw | Karen - $29 | Jane - $25 | Jeff - $22 | Total | $459 | $350 | $288 |
Funny Cide finished first, Empire Maker second, and Peace Rules third. So, John wins the $459 win pot, Mary wins the $350 place pot, and Joe wins the $288 show pot.